Odyssey Arcana is a captivating journey through supernatural events and unexplained phenomena, narrated by author Mark Gillan in his latest book.

My Background


January 2022 - Present

Exploring Mystical Realms

March 2019 - December 2021

Writing Adventures

June 2015 - February 2019

Personal Growth Journey
Intriguing Supernatural Events Unfold

The Odyssey Arcana Portfolio Project

Explore the mysterious and supernatural

white-and-yellow flower on white open book
white-and-yellow flower on white open book
close up photo of several books
close up photo of several books
Discover the Unexplained Mysteries Within

Dive into the world of Odyssey Arcana

fountain pen on black lined paper
fountain pen on black lined paper
Uncover the Supernatural Secrets Within

Experience the Unusual Life Events

assorted-titled book arranged on organizer
assorted-titled book arranged on organizer
Journey through the Mystical Odyssey

Delve into the realm of magic

two Paulo Coelho books on table
two Paulo Coelho books on table
Embark on a Supernatural Adventure

Unlock the secrets of Odyssey Arcana

Unravel the Mysteries Within

Step into the world of enchantment

black pencil on top of ruled paper
black pencil on top of ruled paper
Witness the Supernatural Unfold

Immerse yourself in supernatural storytelling

fountain pen on spiral book
fountain pen on spiral book